What to AVOID

AVOID touching your piercing, except while you’re cleaning it.

AVOID oral contact or contact with other people’s body fluids.

AVOID using straws with thick beverages (milkshakes, smoothies, etc.).

AVOID chewing on all things that are not food (gum, tobacco, etc.).

AVOID spicy foods and excessive consumption of alcohol, aspiring, caffeine, and smoking. If you do, rinse with cold bottled water afterwards.

AVOID playing with your jewelry. Playing with your jewelry can cause irreversible damage to teeth and gums.

Additional Tips


Do NOT clean your piercing more often than is suggested. Over-cleaning can slow the healing process.


To reduce swelling, gently suck on ice for the first few days.

The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products can reduce swelling, such as Ibuprofen.


Get a new toothbrush.

When brushing your teeth, don’t forget to brush your tongue and jewelry (gently at first) to ward away plaque build-up.


Taking a multivitamin containing zinc and vitamin C can boost your body’s healing abilities.


If you think your piercing is infected, contact us or a physician right away! Some redness , tenderness, swelling and discharge is normal.

Clients are advised to consult a health care professional for unexpected redness, tenderness, or swelling at the site, any rash, unexpected drainage from the piercing, or a fever within 24 hours of the body art procedure.